Summer is well underway but the hard work certainly doesn’t stop! At Precise we’ve just welcomed four new faces to our team: Joacim Cronwall, Olof Englund, Sara Gynnerstedt and Elvis Kosovac. As well as experiencing their first taste of working in the technology industry each of them has already started to make a difference. “I’ve been impressed by all our summer interns and the contributions they are already making” says Stefan K. Persson, CEO, Precise. “Not only is having Joacim, Olof, Sara and Elvis here great work experience for them but it’s also fantastic for us as they bring fresh eyes, inquiring minds and a diverse range of skills which we are benefitting from too.”
So let’s meet them and hear more about who they are and what they are doing!
Joacim Cronwall
“I have joined as a marketing assistant. This involves managing content on Precise’s website and social media as well as creating designs and layouts for company presentations. Although my background isn’t in technology I think that’s a real strength for what I do. As I’m creating illustrations or graphics about biometrics and how the technology can be used, I know that if I can understand what I’m communicating then everyone else will! Working in the marketing department is super fun because the work is so diverse and I’m constantly learning new things.”
How did you become aware of Precise and what attracted you to working for us?
It was a coincidence that I found out about Precise. I was studying at Malmö University and saw that Precise was looking for a marketing assistant. I applied and I’m very pleased it was a fit.
What are you hoping to achieve over the summer?
I’m enjoying learning as much as possible and also having the freedom to try new things that I believe can be developed. I want to improve my overall skills in marketing and more specifically within social media. I have a lot of support from my manager, therefore I’m confident I will achieve that.
And how do you like to relax outside of work?
In my spare time I like to hang out with friends and get active by playing badminton and golf.
What piece of tech can you not live without?
I could say the boring answer, my phone… but apart from that it’s chrome cast. It is super on a lazy day to just change a movie on the TV with my phone!
Olof Englund
“I’ve just finished my third year studying Engineering Physics at LTH, Lund University and will start specializing in machine learning and image analysis this fall. Studying physics comes with a lot of manual calculations but what I really enjoy is programming. I met the Precise Biometrics team at the ARKAD career fair. Biometrics and using computer vision technology to establish identity is very cool so when I learnt of Precise’s summer internship position I immediately applied!”
What does your role involve and what are the biggest challenges so far?
I am mostly working with our new digital identity solution Precise YOUNiQ, collecting data, testing and developing a system to detect faces. Essentially I ‘annoy’ my colleagues with spontaneous filming sessions and then try to find ways to fool our system! I’m also working with converting some code between languages (MatLab to Python) with some front end development in React so there’s plenty of technical work to do.
A couple of weeks in, there are a few challenges and I’m having to learn fast! Since I am working with several different projects it can sometimes be hard to know where to focus. I therefore try to work iteratively, changing between projects frequently to keep my creativity flowing. I’d say the biggest is code conversion as splitting and structuring large scripts is definitely challenging!
Has anything about the company surprised you?
One thing is the level of involvement I am granted. Even in my first week I got to join meetings where decisions were made. I probably didn’t contribute even a bit but I really appreciate being involved.
Who do you find most interesting to follow on social media and why?
I don’t really follow any specific person but can really recommend youtuber Mark Rober who builds very cool “machines” and often describes the process in detail.
Sara Gynnerstedt
“My sister previously worked at Precise when she was a student and I have always thought her job seemed very interesting and challenging. So when this position as assistant in the sales and financial department arose I was immediately interested. My role involves sales support, royalty management, contract management and other general office matters. Each day is varied and can include responding to customer enquiries, compiling invoice data and administering customer agreements.”
Tell us about how your role is developing and some of the biggest challenges?
I’m going to be involved in some extended tasks like organizing contracts and electronic documents as well as clearing out some office supplies that Precise plans to donate to charity. Plus I’ll be developing my knowledge in business administration and hope to gain new experiences that I can take to future work contexts. Since Precise has trusted me with a lot of responsibility it can be a challenge to keep track of all the different procedures but I’m getting used to those.
If you could choose anywhere, where would you most like to live in the world?
When it is time for me to acquire a more permanent home, I want to live in Sweden since Swedish laws and values are at the forefront of what I feel is important. However, I want to live in France for a few years first and get to know the culture and the people there. Before starting my studies in Lund, I lived in Montpellier, a small town in southern France, and studied French. I want to combine my business economics studies with French so in the fall I will be attending an exchange semester in Paris to learn the language even better and deepen my knowledge in business economics topics such as organization, sales and corporate culture.
Elvis Kosovac
“This is the first time I’ve been involved in a tech environment. I was looking for my first opportunity to work for a firm and gain experience for future opportunities and a relative of mine who works for the company recommended Precise to me. It’s interesting how innovative the technology we work with is and it will be fascinating to see if this technology becomes the norm in a few years’ time.”
Please describe what your role involves and what you hope to achieve while you are working with us?
I mostly help with market research and analysis for example, visualising our sales data using graphs. I also research potential customers for the company. By gaining experience from working here I hope to get a better understanding of how a company works.
What’s been the best part of working here so far?
The team is fun and friendly and it’s been really good to present what I’ve been working on in meetings and then seeing this used in projects to make a difference.
What piece of tech can you not live without?
My personal computer as I tend to use it the most.
And finally, what super-power would you most like to have?
Time travel!
Are you looking for a internship or a company to write your thesis for your master’s degree with? If you are and think that Precise could be an interesting match, please send us your application at career@precisebiometrics.com