Ahead of the Annual General Meeting in Precise Biometrics AB (publ)

The Annual General Meeting will be held at 4 p.m. on Tuesday April 23, 2013, at Precise Biometrics premises, Scheelevägen 30 in Lund, Sweden.

An agenda containing the matters that are proposed to be brought before the Meeting is included in the official notice to attend the Meeting, which is appended this press release and which will be published on March 26, 2013 in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and on the company's web page. A notice that such advertisement has been made will be published in Svenska Dagbladet on March 26, 2013.

As will be seen from the notice, inter alia the following proposals are submitted regarding matters at the Meeting:

  • The Meeting is proposed to approve the Board's proposal for resolution on a new share issue with preferential right for the shareholders in accordance with what has previously been made public.

  • The Meeting is proposed to approve the Board's proposal for reduction of the share capital for the purpose of covering the accumulated loss accounting-wise, while at the same time better adapting the size of the share capital to the company's business.

  • The Meeting is proposed to resolve on guidelines for remuneration to senior management in accordance with the Board's proposal as set forth in the notice.

  • The Nomination Committee proposes, as regards the members of the Board, re-election of Torbjörn Clementz, Eva Maria Matell and Lisa Thorsted, who is also proposed to be re-elected as chairman of the Board. Lena Widin Klasén and Erwin Leichtle has declined re-election. The proposal from the Nomination Committee for new Board member will be published through a separate press release as soon as received by the company. The Nomination Committee also proposes that the auditing company Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers is re-elected as Auditor, and adjusted principles for appointing members of the Nomination Committee.

  • The Meeting is proposed to approve the proposal of the Board to authorise the Board to resolve on new issues of shares and/or convertibles.

  • As regards other proposals, as well as further details regarding the proposals stated above, please be referred to the appended notice.


Thomas Marschall, President and CEO, Precise Biometrics AB
Telephone; +46 46 31 11 10 or +46 734 35 11 10, E-mail; thomas.marschall@precisebiometrics.com
Patrik Norberg, CFO, Precise Biometrics AB
Telephone; +46 46 31 11 47 or +46 734 35 11 47, E-mail; patrik.norberg@precisebiometrics.com
Precise Biometrics is a market-leading provider of solutions for fingerprint recognition to prove people's identities. With top-of-the-line expertise in fingerprint verification, Precise Biometrics offers fast, accurate and secure authentication of a person.
The technology adds value to ID, enterprise and bank cards as well as access to mobile solutions, computers and networks. Precise Biometrics serves business and government organizations throughout the world and its technology is licensed to close to 160 million users.
For more information, please visit www.precisebiometrics.com