Bulletin from the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Precise Biometrics AB

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Precise Biometrics AB which took place on Wednesday, May 10th 2023, Torgny Hellström, Mats Lindoff, Åsa Schwarz and Peter Gullander were re-elected as Board members and Maria Rydén and Jimmy Hsu were elected as new Board members. Torgny Hellström was re-elected as chairman of the Board. The AGM also resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, to amend the Articles of Association. The amendment was made to approve the Board’s resolution to increase the company’s share capital to enable the execution of the issue of ordinary shares with pre-emption rights for existing shareholders which was announced on April 3rd, 2023. All conditions appear in the notice to the annual general meeting.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Precise Biometrics AB took place on Wednesday, May 10th 2023 in Lund, Sweden. Complete information and documentation regarding the AGM's resolutions can be found on the company's website:

Resolution regarding adoption of the income statement and balance sheet etc.
The AGM resolved to adopt the income statement and balance sheet for the parent company as well as the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet for the previous financial year. The Board of Directors and the Managing Director were discharged from liability for the same period.

Resolution on the allocation of profits
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, that no dividend shall be paid for the financial year 2022 and that the remaining profit at the disposal of the AGM be carried forward.

Board of Directors
The AGM resolved that the number of Board members shall amount to six. Torgny Hellström, Mats Lindoff, Åsa Schwarz and Peter Gullander were re-elected as Board members and Maria Rydén and Jimmy Hsu were elected as new Board members. Torgny Hellström was re-elected as chairman of the Board.

Resolution pertaining to directors’ fees
The AGM resolved that Board fees shall be paid in the amount of SEK 545,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 190,000 to each of the other members. The remuneration for committee work shall amount to SEK 45,000 to member of the audit committee, SEK 90,000 to the chairman of the audit committee and SEK 25,000 to member and chairman of the remuneration committee.

Ernst & Young Aktiebolag (EY) was re-elected as auditor for the period until the end of the next AGM. Authorised Public Accountant Martin Henriksson will be the auditor in charge. Fees to the auditor shall be paid in accordance with approved invoices.

Approval of the remuneration report
The AGM resolved to approve the Board’s remuneration report.

Authorisation for the Board to resolve on issue of shares and/or convertible instruments
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, to authorise the Board for the period up to the next Annual General Meeting to resolve, whether on one or several occasions and with or without deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emption rights, to issue ordinary shares and/or convertible instruments regarding such shares corresponding to an increase of the company’s share capital with not more than 20 percent of the share capital as per the date of the resolution on the new issue with the support of the authorisation. The complete terms and conditions are set out in the notice convening the AGM.

Approval of the Board’s resolution on rights issue
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, to approve the Board’s resolution on a new issue of ordinary shares with pre-emption rights for existing shareholders. In accordance with previously published information, on 3 April 2023 the Board resolved, subject to approval by the general meeting, to increase the company’s share capital with not more than SEK 9,285,519 by an issue of not more than 30,951,730 new ordinary shares.
The right to subscribe for new ordinary shares shall belong to those persons who on the record date for the new issue of shares are recorded as shareholders of the company, whereby one (1) existing share entitle to one (1) subscription right, and three (3) subscription rights entitle to subscription for two (2) new ordinary shares. The record date for participation in the new issue of shares shall be 12 May 2023. The new shares are issued at a subscription price of SEK 1.60 per share. Subscription for shares shall take place during the period 15 May 2023 up to and including 29 May 2023. The complete terms and conditions are set out in the notice convening the AGM and on the company's website.

Amendment of the Articles of Association
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, to amend the Articles of Association. The amendment means that the limits for the share capital are raised to enable the execution of the rights issue above. The complete terms and conditions are set out in the notice convening the AGM.

Authorisation for the Board to resolve on issue of ordinary shares
The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, to authorise the Board to issue not more than 2,819,520 ordinary shares. The authorisation may be used to issue shares to those who have entered into guarantee commitments with the company in connection with the rights issue approved by the AGM, and who wish to receive compensation for such guarantee commitments through new shares in the company. The complete terms and conditions are set out in the notice convening the AGM.