Positive developments for Precise Biometrics – Interim report (Q3)

Precise Biometrics AB (publ), Corporate Identity No. 556545-6596
Interim Report for the period January – September 2010
  • The group's net sales for the interim period amounted to SEK 38.6 million (36.5) and for the third quarter SEK 12.2 million (14.6). 
  • The group's gross profit for the interim period amounted to SEK 23.3 million (19.5) and for the third quarter SEK 6.9 million (5.2). 
  • The group's income for the interim period was SEK -10.2 million (-24.6) and for the third quarter SEK -5.2 million (-13.0).  
  • Earnings per share for the interim period was SEK -0.08 (-0.23) and for the third quarter SEK -0.04 (-0.12). 
  • Liquid assets at the end of the interim period amounted to SEK 30.9 million (59.3). 

Important events during the quarter 

  • Precise Biometric received a hardware order at a value of SEK 2.4 million for a Match-on-Card project for government employees. The order is a follow-up order from an existing customer in the Middle East. 

Important events after end of quarter 

· Precise Biometrics' Nigerian partner Interswitch is rolling out a state ID card with biometric technology from Precise Biometrics. The project is the first of its kind in the world and the ID card also includes e-payment. The card program will be rolled out over the coming years and starts to generate income for Precise Biometrics in 2011. The order value is not finalized and thus cannot be communicated at this point.