Precise Biometrics shows strong momentum in all business areas

Precise Biometrics AB (publ), Corporate Identity No. 556545-6596

Interim Report for the period January – June 2011

  • The group's net sales for the interim period amounted to SEK 9.4 million (26.4) and for the second quarter SEK 5.9 million (7.1).

  • The group's income for the interim period amounted to SEK -18.6 million (-5.1) and for the second quarter SEK -8.9 million (-4.7).

  • Earnings per share for the interim period amounted to SEK -0.13 (-0.04) and for the second quarter SEK -0.06 (-0.04).

  • Available cash at the end of the interim period amounted to SEK 49.6 million (34.8). Available cash includes SEK 48.6 million from the share issue (after related costs).

Important events during the quarter

  • Precise Biometrics' rights issue, with preferential rights for Precise Biometrics' shareholders, was oversubscribed. The rights issue was subscribed to 118.9% and is carried out as a part of the company's strategic plan – Plan 2015.

  • The company was top ranked in the MINEX II test, the most important US government test for standardized Match-on-Card. Since new directives states that all US federal government agencies must implement PIV (Personal Identification Verification) and as PIV will include Match-on-Card, Precise Biometrics will be very well positioned on the US federal government market.

  • Precise Biometrics launched a new software product, Precise BioMatch™ Embedded, which enables hardware companies to quickly integrate fingerprint verification in their products.