Precise in collaboration with Sehlhall Fastigheter

Precise has entered into a collaboration agreement with Sehlhall Fastigheter – a real estate company building and managing community service properties. Precise facial recognition technology will be used for safe and convenient access to, and inside, Sehlhall's properties.

Precise YOUNiQ integrates face recognition with access control systems to provide convenient and secure access to facilities. The technology behind the product is based on artificial intelligence that confirms the individual's identity through its unique facial features. Sehlhall is the first real estate company to use Precise’s technology.

“We look forward to being a part of Sehlhall's mission to create safe and infection-proof community service properties. Our technology provides unbeatable convenience, while ensuring that the right people have access to the right parts of the property. As these functions are highly important in this kind of properties, Precise’s technology can create great value for all operations in this segment”, said Precise CEO, Stefan K. Persson.

Although minimizing the spread of infection is largely about hygiene routines among the individuals in the operations, Sehlhall is focusing on reducing the risks in its role as property owner. Through a strategic combination of architecture, design and technical solutions, Sehlhall can create the best conditions to minimize the spread of infection.

“Sehlhall's community service properties represent the highest level of security and safety. With Precise technology for face recognition, we continue to modernize Sweden's social infrastructure”, said Dan T. Sehlberg, President and CEO of Sehlhall Fastigheter.

About Sehlhall Fastigheter:
Sehlhall Fastigheter builds and strengthens Sweden’s social infrastructure. We create and manage modern, sustainable community service properties, always with the people at the center. Sweden is facing demographic challenges and is grappling with a growing deficit of various social functions, such as kindergartens, schools, group and nursing homes. With commitment, knowledge and experience, Sehlhall Fastigheter addresses these challenges by building new properties for social infrastructure.