Strong YOUNiQ installer line-up

Our installers plays a key role in our YOUNiQ offering, not only ensuring a top-notch product installation, but also as sales partners. We at Precise put great effort in having YOUNiQ certified installers, therefore we organize installer certification courses on a regular basis.

During the summer we were pleased to see Elajo join our strong installer line-up that already consists of, Smart Teknik, Elektrocentralen, Göthes Säkerhet, Swedsecur, Bravida Prenad, NVSS Security, Växelgruppen, Professionell Säkerhet, Safeteam, Sydsec, Installationscompaniet and .

Located in different parts of Sweden we are securing a broad YOUNiQ presence, available to anyone looking for a YOUNiQ access solution.

Interested in becoming a YOUNiQ installer or getting in contact with our current ones? Please contact
