New security suite tackles threat against mobile payments head-on

Today, in the run-up to one of the world’s largest gathering for the mobile industry, Mobile World Congress in Shanghai, and in front of journalists from tech and business media, we had the pleasure of announcing the launch of a new ground-breaking security suite.

The security suite contains products and services that increase the security of fingerprint authentication on mobile devices through effective spoof and liveness detection capability, addressing the growing market demand for secure and trustworthy mobile payments.

The main feature is the integration of spoof and liveness detection capability into our market leading fingerprint matching software, Precise BioMatch™ Mobile. This is the first solution that offers fingerprint matching and liveness detection combined in a single software-based product. Watch the short video here, to find out how it works.

Mobile payments using fingerprint authentication are growing rapidly. Banks and payment services are increasing investments in secure authentication for mobile payments.

In 2020 six out of ten transactions are expected to be performed by biometric authentication, primarily via fingerprint sensors (Biometrics Research Group).  Fraud and identity theft is also on the rise. As unprotected fingerprint sensors are vulnerable to spoofing via fake fingers, spoof and liveness detection will become a necessity. 92 percent of professionals in the biometrics and identity related industries regard liveness detection as a priority according to a poll conducted by the trade publication Find Biometrics.

Precise BioMatch Mobile with spoof and liveness detection capability enables easier integration at a lower cost compared to hardware-based solutions. Furthermore, the solution works with every type of sensor on the market and is upgradeable to keep pace with emerging spoof threats. The software utilizes machine learning, making it adaptable to detect any form of spoofing.

The other features in the security suite are a vulnerability analysis service for fingerprint sensors, database collection services and a fingerprint spoof lab.

The sensor technology manufacturer VKANSEE is licensing both Precise BioMatch Mobile and Precise Biometrics spoof and liveness detection solution. Jason Chaikin, President at VKANSEE, had the following to say about our launch:

“The combination of efficient fingerprint matching technology with cutting edge spoof detection will bolster our already aggressive solution to prevent fraud from security vulnerabilities and guard against unauthorized access”

For more information about our security suite, please click here.