Our installers plays a key role in our YOUNiQ offering, not only ensuring a top-notch product installation, but also as sales partners. We at Precise put great effort in having YOUNiQ certified installers, therefore we organize installer certification courses on a regular basis.
During the summer we were pleased to see Elajo join our strong installer line-up that already consists of, Smart Teknik, Elektrocentralen, Göthes Säkerhet, Swedsecur, Bravida Prenad, NVSS Security, Växelgruppen, Professionell Säkerhet, Safeteam, Sydsec, Installationscompaniet and ComRegia.
Located in different parts of Sweden we are securing a broad YOUNiQ presence, available to anyone looking for a YOUNiQ access solution.
Interested in becoming a YOUNiQ installer or getting in contact with our current ones? Please contact sales@precisebiometrics.com.