Precise Biometrics Nomination Committee
Nomination Committee 2025
The Nominating Committee for Precise Biometrics, in preparation for the Annual General Meeting in 2025 scheduled for May 22, 2025, has been appointed in accordance with the instructions of the Nomination Committee.
The Nomination Committee consists of the following members:
- Julian Aleksov, appointed by Egis Technology; and
- Torgny Hellström, Chairman of the Board, appointed by RM International AB
Julian Aleksov is the Chairman of the Nomination Committee.
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee are welcome to contact the Nomination Committee. In order for the Nomination Committee to be able to consider a proposal, the proposal must have been received well in advance of the Annual General Meeting, which is planned for May 22, 2025, preferably no later than January 31, 2025.
Contact the nomination committee:
Precise Biometrics AB
Nomination committee
Scheelevägen 27, 8th floor
223 63 Lund
Principles for Appointment of Nomination Committee
In accordance with the principles for the establishment of a Nomination Committee adopted at the 2016 Annual General Meeting, the Chairman of the Board shall convene a Nomination Committee, which, in addition to the Chairman of the Board, shall consist of representatives from two to three of the company’s largest shareholders according to Euroclear Sweden AB’s list of registered shareholders as of 31 August. Should any of these shareholders waive the opportunity to appoint a representative, the shareholder who, after these shareholders, has the largest holding, shall be invited. The Nomination Committee’s term of office extends until a new Nomination Committee has been appointed.
A member shall leave the Nomination Committee if the shareholder who has appointed such a member no longer represents one of the three largest accepting shareholders or has divested their entire holding. New shareholders in the order of magnitude must then be offered to appoint a new member if it is necessary for at least two shareholders to be represented on the nomination committee. If two shareholders are already represented, the Nomination Committee may refrain from offering new shareholders a seat on the Nomination Committee.
The task of the Nomination Committee is to submit proposals to the Annual General Meeting regarding the election of the Chairman at the Annual General Meeting, the election of the Chairman and other members of the Board, principles for the appointment of the Nomination Committee, and where applicable, the election of the auditor, fees and related issues.
The Nomination Committee may claim any necessary costs and expenses from the company that are required for the Nomination Committee to fulfill its mandate. Fees for work are not paid to the members of the Nomination Committee.
These principles shall apply until further notice.