Sensor vulnerability analysis
An objective and credible analysis of sensor resistance to common spoofing tactics and materials.
Biometric authentication
Biometric authentication is rapidly becoming the desired alternative to conventional authentication methods such as passwords and tokens. Fake finger detection and spoof mitigation is an on-going effort at Precise Biometrics and its lab affiliation with Clarkson University and the Center for Identification and Technology Research (CITeR). These efforts and the resulting knowledgebase of spoofing measures and countermeasures insure that the Precise Biometrics’ Liveness Detection and Spoof Mitigation technology continues to evolve and provide best-of-breed performance in the on-going fight against fake finger authentication.
Comprehensive report
Upon conclusion of the analysis, a comprehensive report is
produced that fully describes all procedures and materials
utilized, and all outcomes of each test procedure. The document
is fully referenced, and the report quality is suitable for
external distribution, should that be desired. This provides your
organization with an objective and highly credible third-party
analysis of your technology’s resistance to spoof attacks. It can
also provide guidance to your internal roadmap discussions of
how to best incorporate additional spoof mitigation capability
into your sensor function. -
Thorough and objective analysis
Precise Biometrics’ Vulnerability Analysis utilizes cooperative
and non-cooperative (latent fingerprint) attack methods to
create a variety of spoof molds. From these molds, spoofs are
created from 15-20 of the most effective spoof materials readily
available to consumers. Strict preparation of materials and
consistent image capture procedures insures a complete and
objective analysis is undertaken. -
Sensor vulnerability to spoofing
To assess a given fingerprint sensor’s vulnerability to spoofing,
manufacturers can turn to Precise Biometrics. Our many years
of developing spoof mitigation technology have ingrained in
our staff a deep understanding of latent and cooperative print
capture, fingerprint mold and spoof production, and spoofing
attack strategies.